New Fiber In the Shop and the possibilities.

I just finished listing a new fiber in my shop. But before I go on, I want to mention that I have seen on FB, people talking and posting pictures of their yarn spun with Himalayan Fiber. I’ve been intrigued with this fiber for a while, because of the many possible ways to be able to use it. I was very excited when I saw it available from one of my suppliers. I’ve been playing with an idea for a while, so as soon as the shipment arrived, I opened the box and grabbed a small portion to make a Nuno felted scarf.

Since I wanted to make the Himalayan Fiber be the main feature of my piece, I use it on both the first and last layers. The Merino wool and silk yarn stayed sandwiched in between the Himalayan Nettle as a result.

The staple of fiber is so long, that I took advantage of it to make the fringes of the scarf. The felted piece also has a nice drape and it looks like the fabric will soften with use.

I will eventually have to spin some too!

Felting Class

I was invited last year to teach a felting class by Alisha, the owner of Fiber Circle Studio in Petaluma in their new location on Kentucky St, but because of the Pandemic, it had to be postponed as life came to a halt.

I’m not going to dwell much about it, because we all know what it all means. We faced challenging times in our lives, we lost loved ones, we had to learn to live in many different ways.

Today I was able to teach this class. Two of my students signed up last year, and I was happy to learn that they decided to sign up again.

I had a great time teaching, and connecting again through this ancient craft.

Teaching a class requires a lot of preparation on my part, the time in between getting ready and gathering the tools that my students will need can be a little stressful, because I want to make sure that I have everything in order to provide a good class for my students and to have the class run smoothly. Once I see the students are all settled and into their projects, I start to relax. Ahh. How I love this moment. That’s when I start to have fun!

I just love their final projects!